10 Week Periodization by Ben Pollack



I originally wrote this program as a followup to my YouTube series on planning a periodized training routine. If you’re currently stalled on a linear program like 5×5 or Stronglifts, then this program is the one you’re looking for.

Here are the highlights:

  • It’s a 10-week program, and you’ll be training 3 days per week.
  • It’s built on heavy, compound lifts – the types that add slabs of muscle and tons of strength.
  • It’s geared at gaining strength – not bodybuilding – but no matter what your goals are, if you’re still a beginner, it’s the perfect place to set the foundation for more advanced training in the future.
  • I really suggest you follow the program exactly as written and not make any changes until you’ve run through the whole thing at least once.

If you’ve watched the YouTube series, you know that the whole point is to start with a basic template and gradually make changes like the ones described above until you find the perfect program for you — your body, your goals, and the things you like to do. This program will get you started doing exactly that!

10 Week Periodization by Ben Pollack
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