Category Archives: Recipes

Optimal Peri-Workout Nutrition: Fueling Growth and Performance by Chris Edmonds

Title: Introduction: As fitness enthusiasts, we know that what we eat before, during, and after our workouts can significantly impact our performance and progress. Coach Chris, the lead Mountain Dog Diet Coach, and sponsored athlete for Granite Supplements, generously shared his complete peri-workout nutrition routine in this YouTube video. In this blog post, we’ll break […]

Frozen Chocolate Protein Cups: A Protein-Packed Delight for Chocolate Lovers

Title: Frozen Chocolate Protein Cups: A Protein-Packed Delight for Chocolate Lovers Introduction: Indulge in a guilt-free treat packed with protein and the rich flavor of chocolate with these Frozen Chocolate Protein Cups. These delightful cups are not only low in calories but also high in protein, making them the perfect snack or dessert option for […]